Movie Review – 9 most watched Christmas movies
Christmas came and left, opening the way to the next holiday – New Year’s Eve. Like any other, this one was certainly filled with overeating, meeting with relatives, and perhaps overdrinking. But what distinguishes television at Christmas are the movies. For twenty years, the same productions have been running on all TV programs, both local and international. Home Alone, Santa Clause, I’ll be home for Christmas, Die Hard (for real), etc. In this article, I’ll look at the nine most-watched Christmas movies, some of which come out with the fall of the first snow. Here they are:
9. I’ll be home for Christmas (1998)

I don’t know if you remember this Disney comedy, starring Jessica Biel and Jonathan Thomas. The latter, playing Jake, a student who doesn’t want to go home for Christmas. That’s why his father makes a deal with him that if he gets back, he’ll give him his car. From then on, our protagonist, thinking that this is going to be an easy job, is doing everything in his power to cross USA and get home in time. Naturally, things do not go as planned, as he goes through a number of educational adventures that teach him how valuable family really is. Jessica Biel, plays his love interest – Ali, who Jake wants to impress with the car. The movie is quite fun and interesting, and it is one of those that is put on by the first snowfall.
8. Love Actually (2003)

This movie is so popular that there is no need for me to present it. One of the most famous British romantic comedies, starring perhaps every British actor popular at the time, except sir Ian McKellen. Each of the stories tells of Christmas love, which in one way or another is happening. All televisions put it at least once before Christmas to remind viewers what is the greatest miracle. Personally, I’m more a fan of the story and the great acting, but the movie will become a classic in time.
7. Elf (2003)

It’s not Christmas without a good Elf story. This comedy by Will Ferrell is also one of the most famous movies and not only as a Christmas one. The story itself is pretty simple, Will growing up at the North Pole, finds out he’s not an Elf, but a human. What a surprise, with his few meters above all others, this discovery comes as a shock. As a result, he embarks on a quest in New York, in search of his real father. Naturally, comic situations follow him everywhere because his education at the pole proves to be insufficient for the human world. The movies is a simple, but unforgettably entertainment.
6. Die Hard (1988)

For many people, Christmas hasn’t come, unless they see Hans Gruber falling from Nakatomi Plaza. This is the most important moment in Die Hard, which along with the fact that the action unfolds at Christmas, somehow attributes this film to Christmas movies. In fact, it’s an absolute action classic and the start of Bruce Willis’s strong career. I have watched almost all parts myself and I dare say that this will remain in history as the only action Christmas movie.
5. The Santa Clause (1994)

This is Disney’s second movie in this chart and another classic. The Santa Clause is a great family comedy starring Tim Allen. There is certainly no child who haven’t watched it. After Santa falls from the roof and “frees” the position, Tim Allen’s character, Scott is forced to take it. Though he has a lot of self doubt, he gradually unfolds the marks of Santa, such are white beard, some overweight, jolly spirit, etc and finding out that not only his child deserves to be visited on Christmas Eve. This movie is followed by two sequels, which, although not at the same quality level as the first part, also carry the Christmas spirit.
4. Home Alone (1990)

People who love this movie are probably the same number, as the people who hate it. Indeed, in the last 20 years, this movie just wore out, which does not mean it is not being watched. But the 4 sequels, did bury it as a series. The truth however, is that it is not Christmas if we do not see how Kevin McCallister overcame the “wet” bandits who had set an eye on his house. Through all parts, the first and the second are classics, and the third does not fall much behind (after all, in it stars the young Scarlett Johannes). Whether you are fans or not, in another 20 years, we’ll still watch Kevin and co. on the small screen. Recently, Google recreated scenes in its new ad with no one else but Macaulay Culkin himself, who apparently took his life in his hands. I hope we’ll see more of him in the future.
3. The Nightmare before Christmas (1993)

Another classic in this ranking. Even coming from the distant 93’rd, this film withstood the tides of time. The stop-motion animation is perfect even today. One of Tim Burton’s first classics, the film tells the story of Jack Skellington, the King of the Halloween Town, who wants to bring Christmas from the neighboring Christmas Town. Unfortunately, his subjects do not accept this idea with enthusiasm. The movie is a great mix between Halloween and Christmas, the two most commercialized holidays in the US, but also the most “spiritual”. If you have not seen it, I recommend with both hands.
2. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 – 2000 – 2018)

Although the above picture is from Jim Carrey’s adaptation from 2000’th, the first re-creation of this screen story comes in the distant 1966’th. This tale of Dr. Seuss, like many others, is written in rhymes, and taking place in Whoville. Grinch, the only creature that hates Christmas, decides that if he can’t enjoy it, then no one else should. So he takes on the task of stealing all the presents and storing them in his cave, which is not far from Whoville. But of course, his conscience and a good little girl convert his spite, and he returns the gifts to the citizens. The lesson from the story is that no matter how bad a person is, there is always a goodness in him. This year came another version, called The Grinch, which, though reaping tremendous marketing success by making 400 million in the worldwide box office, was not very well received by critics and viewers. Nevertheless, I believe that the story of the bad Grinch will never wither away.
1. A Christmas Carol (2009)

This tale of Charles Dickens is surely one of the most screened in the last years, with the first one being in the distant 1951’st. Can you imagine how long ago that was? The poster I’ve putted is from the 2009 version, again with Jim Carrey. But if we have to list them, there is a version with Mickey Mouse, several live ones, some animated, etc. Even the last commercial of one of the retail chains incorporates the story, but totally ignores the real lesson from it. So, do I need to explain what this is all about? If there are people who have not encountered any of the screenings, the story tells of the old, rich, close-fisted and miserable Scrooge, who lives alone and hates Christmas. A lot of poor people work for him, but he doesn’t pay them well, because he’s trying to keep every penny. One of these people gets sick very badly on Christmas Eve and is forced to leave, and of course Scrooge does not pay him his full wage. Later that night, three spirits visit Scrooge – one of the past, one of the present, and one of the future. They show him how sad and lonely his life is and how, if he does not make some changes, he will die alone, while his fortune will fall into oblivion. As a result of this experience, Scrooge decides to change his mind by visiting the family of his sick worker, carrying presents and turkey. The lesson is clear, but if we are talking about classics, then this story is sure to beat everyone else. I am sure that in the years to come there will be many new variations of this immortal story because we just can’t get enough of it. And here’s the 2009’th version

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