• Movies

    Movie Review – Avengers: Endgame

    Eleven years after the first Iron Man movie, Phase 4 of Marvel’s Shared Universe (MCU) is over. “Avengers: Endgame” is perhaps the most anticipated movie this year. Anticipation filled with speculation and theories leading to the question: “How will the MCU finish everything?”. I will break down the answer to this question within this article. So here we are, 11 years after Iron Man’s adaptation to the big screen. This is the movie that brought us here because without it there wouldn’t be The Avengers as we know them. Marvel, who at that point did not have any film rights to their characters (X-Man were at FOX and Spider-Man at…

  • TV Series

    TV Series Review – Game of Thrones S8E3

    Yesterday morning, the most anticipated episode of the GoT saga, the battle between the living and the dead, dropped. In general, all seasons up till now led to this major event, which unfortunately not everybody enjoyed. It is right to say that, in this article, there will be SPOILERS! So, eight seasons have brought us here. The epic battle between the living and the dead. This fantasy representation of zombies, was done better than most horror flicks. That’s why I asked myself a few questions. 1. Was Jon’s battle tactic the right one? In general, he didn’t have much of a choice. As the show made the image of Night…

  • Movies

    Movie Review – Pet Semetary

    To answer this question, we need to look closely at both adaptations. Undoubtedly the original from 1989 is a classic. Even if you watch it now for the first time, you will still feel creeps because then the horror genre didn’t rely on the so-called “jump scares,” but on pure psychology. That’s why it’s worth asking if the remake has succeeded in surpassing the original. First of all I have to mention that the remake of “Pet Semetary” was directed by the man behind the remake of another beloved Stephen King classic – IT, whose first part came out two years ago and the second is expected later this year.…

  • Movies

    Movie Review – Alita: Battle Angel

    The short answer – it is yet to be seen. Unfortunately, in recent years, the Hollywood anime adaptations are nowhere near good. To be honest, I can’t even think of one that comes close to watchable. We naturally rule out Japanese adaptations because they are completely different. Since the last Hollywood one, Ghost in a Shell, tried to cram a huge amount of information into a feature film and failed spectacularly, we thought we’d never see a successful adaptation… until now. Who is Alita and did this movie finally broke the adaptation curse, I’ll break down in this review. As you can guess, the source is a manga (Japanese comic…

  • TV Series

    TV Series Review – Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (With SPOILERS)

    Here’s the second article for the new episode/stand alone movie from the Black Mirror series, called Bandersnatch. As I wrote on the previews article, this is the first interactive movie, which means that you can navigate the story, while you’re watching it, much like the famous choose-your-own-adventure books. In this article, I’ll look into the choices, possible endings and in the end I’ll make a short anlysis of the movie in general. So: 1. What does the choices mean and how much do they matter? The short answer is that they do matter. You’ll be presented with two types, primary and secondary. The secondary ones, doesn’t change the story or…

  • TV Series

    TV Series Review – Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (Spoiler free)

    While I was wondering whether to make a review for Spider-Man or Aquaman, Netflix decided to make quite a fuss, releasing the stand-alone, interactive movie, from the Black Mirror series, called Bandersnatch. For those of you who are not familiar with the show, I’ll make a short explanation. It’s an anotolgy series, made as stand-alone episodes. All of them have only one thing in common and that is futuristic technology, incorporated in some sort into the daily lives of people. But that technology is not just a smartphone app. Here are some examples – chip, allowing you to record, store and review memories; a humanoid robot, made to copy a…

  • Movies

    Movie Review – 9 most watched Christmas movies

    Christmas came and left, opening the way to the next holiday – New Year’s Eve. Like any other, this one was certainly filled with overeating, meeting with relatives, and perhaps overdrinking. But what distinguishes television at Christmas are the movies. For twenty years, the same productions have been running on all TV programs, both local and international. Home Alone, Santa Clause, I’ll be home for Christmas, Die Hard (for real), etc. In this article, I’ll look at the nine most-watched Christmas movies, some of which come out with the fall of the first snow. Here they are: 9. I’ll be home for Christmas (1998) I don’t know if you remember…

  • TV Series

    Narcos vs Breaking Bad, which is better? – Part III

    Here is the third and final part of the comparison between Breaking Bad and Narcos. In this article, I will look at the categories – overall completion of the story and is it worth re-watching. They will decide who will get the title for best crime series. 5. End of the show 5.1 Season 5 of Breaking Bad After the end of the turbulent events in Seasons 4 and 5, AMC decided to finish everything in two last episodes. The most important stories were Walter’s and Jesse’s. Walter, already exiled for several months in Alaska, without radio and television, marked as the No. 1 most wanted criminal in the States…

  • TV Series

    Narcos vs Breaking Bad, which is better? – Part II

    And here’s part II of the comparison between the giant, Breaking Bad and the Netflix hit, Narcos. In this thread I will look at the protagonists and support roles. Both shows have an amazing cast, wich makes you sink in the action. Here it goes. 2. Protagonists 2.1 DEA agents, led by Hank Schrader In both series, the protagonists or the good guys, are DEA agents. As such, it makes it very easy to do the comparison. Real life vs fiction. Both engulf the cat and mouse game between narcos and agents. In BB, the central role is played by Walt’s brother in law, Hank Schrader. Since the beginning of…

  • TV Series

    Narcos vs Breaking Bad, which is better? – Part I

    Why are criminal TV series, so successful? And not just them. In Bulgaria, the most wanted novels are the criminal ones, or criminal dramas. What makes people addicted to stories, involving criminals or bandits, whom for some reason, develop empires? Is it because, secretly they want to be part of one or just, because breaking the law pumps up the adrenalin? It’s not very clear. What’s clear, however is that the new Netflix TV show, Narcos, is still breaking all records, after 4 seasons. But let’s not forget the father of all criminal TV shows, the first giant in the genre – Breaking Bad. This year, it makes 10 year…
